Nigel over at Going Pro Golf Blog posted about working on his pre-shot routine this winter, and it got me thinking about my own pre-shot routine. About mid-season I really started working on my pre-shot routine, and I think it really helped my game. A few weeks after adding this to my game, I did shoot my lowest rounds ever. And even shot a 1 over par on 9 holes.
A pre-shot routine is so important to starting to become consistent. Not only does it help you clear your mind, but it helps your body know that it's time to do what it needs to do, and can help you with do things consistently, line up the ball, grip the club the same way, stand the same distance from the ball, get a feel for where the ball should be in your stance.
My pre-shot routine is pretty simple, and I stole it from watching Luke Donald. Then I noticed a bunch of guys do something very similar, Robert Karlsson being one of them).
Grab the club I will be using. Stand behind the ball, looking face on toward my target, think about whatever I need to think of...where do I want to aim, is there wind, what kind of shot do I see, etc. Take a couple loose practice swings to feel the shot I will hit. Then lineup the ball, and the target, with the shaft of the club.
That is to say, I grip the club, the way I will grip it for the shot, but with the club in the air, club face end kind of pointing toward the sky. I then lower the club face, and point the shaft at the target, the other end of the shaft at the ball on the ground, and then find a very small target on the ground, very close to the ball that is in line.
Now, I have a spot to align with on the ground.
With the club already gripped in your hand, I walk around toward the my feet together at my normal distance away from the ball. I put the club face on the ground, behind the ball, and line it up with the little spot I picked out, very close to the ball. I don't even look at the target at this point. Still feet together...ok, club face aligned, take a little step left with the left foot...make sure it's aligned, a little step right with the right foot…make sure it's aligned...look up at the target, waggle...deep breath, and go.
Sounds complicated, but do it a dozen times at home every night. Just envision yourself lining up a shot, walking through the routine. Then force yourself to do it every single shot at the driving range, or the next time you hit balls...soon enough, it will just guessed it...a routine. And you won't even be thinking about it.
I have found it has helped me with my shot alignment tremendously. It has helped with my rhythm/tempo as well. Not to mention helping ignore distractions/etc.
One thing to note, once you get into this routine...if your concentration is broken during your routine, ie. your playing partner starts talking to you...start it over :)
Here’s a link to a YouTube clip of Tiger Wood’s Pre Shot Routine.